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Office Hours & Response Times

Dear Customers,

as the Logiks Team is spread across the globe and different locations we are operating in various Time Zones, while our most shared timeslot on a daily basis focuses on Central Europe.

Below you can find our international Office Hours and Response Times:




Monday - Friday

6am till 10pm

CET - Central European Time

Saturday - Sunday

Office Closed

CET - Central European Time

We know that based on the region you are located, this might affect the availability to reach us within your working day. But we are able to ensure throughout the entire year proper reachability like this.

While our Phone Service is operating 24/7 to provide you the possibility of leaving your request, you will be reached out by a Logiks Employee only during the mentioned timeslots.

Please be aware that on local Public Holidays / Bank Holidays, if its on a weekday from Monday till Friday, the affected regional office will not be operating. You will be able to place a request through Phone, E-Mail or Ticket System. But your request won’t be served in case its an official Bank Holiday.

We are highly committed to fast reaction times. However it might be from time to time, in periods where we are facing a higher workload that we are not able to get back to you as fast as we wish.

Therefore our objective is to reach out to you for any request in:

4 Hours or less in min. 95% of all Cases

While it doesn't matter if you have a sales request, support or accounting request. We will make sure we get back to you as soon as possible.

Our Objective is to serve every request in less than 4 Hours. This does not mean a guaranteed response time unless you have signed a specific Service Level Agreement which states a guaranteed response time. So there will be, by default agreement, no claim in case a response time is not reached. If you have a specific Service Level Agreement signed with us, you can refer to your dedicated Service Hours and Contact Options. The General Parameters shared here, won’t be applicable.

In the section How to Contact Logiks Solutions you can find all communication ways, how to reach us.

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